~Virtual Workouts~
A cost-effective way to reach your goals!

What are “Virtual Workouts?”
Virtual workouts are workouts programmed for you on a weekly basis, based on your individual fitness level, unique needs and goals. You receive the weekly workouts on your smartphone via a user-friendly app. The app includes easy to follow descriptions of the exercises as well as simple instructional
videos to make sure that you are doing the exercises efficiently. You can do your workouts at home (based on the equipment you have) or at the gym.

How do I personalize your workouts?
We will have a free 20 minute consult over the phone or on Zoom in which you share your individual needs and goals. I always welcome email or text check-ins to keep me posted on how things are going and you can also make notes within the app that I can see and respond to.

The app is super easy to use and includes videos and text directions for every exercise.

Where will I do my workouts?
You can do your workouts at your local gym, but most workouts can be done at home even if you have a small amount of gear such as a few pairs of dumbbells, a few kettlebells and a few other pieces of storable equipment. Many of my clients have chosen to grow their equipment over time with the money they are saving doing virtual training!

Why should I start working out with weights?
Strength training is imperative to keep our muscles and bones strong as we age. Working out with weights has also been shown to help with a myriad of other things such as mental outlook, hormonal balance and maintaining a healthy weight. I can also incorporate yoga and mobility work in your workout program if desired.

What is the cost?
$90/month for 1 workout every week.

“I love getting my weekly workouts from Cory! It inspired me to set up my own home gym. Each workout is slightly different and I never get bored with the exercises. Cory keeps up with my progress and continues to program for me in a way that is always the right amount of challenge. “
- Mary L.

“My work schedule and family life don’t allow me to train one-on-one at this time. Cory suggested virtual training and it has been a lifesaver. I can do my workouts on my own at my gym! - Megan H.

text Cory for more info! 805-886-9648 or email!